Seminar 1
Sacredly able parents are bringing healing to a Nation
- Introduction
- How Dynamis started
- Dynamis empowers parents
- The parent is sacredly able
- The purpose of education
- Why is protecting of vulnerability so important
- Self-working by 14
- What is the problem with the education system
- Declutter
- Finding the element in the child
- The function of the brain
- Brain preferences
- Sensory preferences
- Helicopter parenting
- 21st century education
- Realities in South Africa
- Digital landscape
- Testimonies of success in home education
- The summary of sacredly abled parenting
Seminar 2
Clearing your Vision
- Legality in Home Education
- Home education How does it work?
- Discipline
- Home education areas
- Change in Education 1994
- Home Education in SA
- Different approaches
- When you make your own curriculum
- Unschooling
- Assessment
- Mother tongue
- Preschool education
- Matriculation
- Socialisation
- Sport
- Special needs
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