Bringing Healing to the Nation & Clearing Your Vision Video Series

Martie du PLessis of the Dynamis Institute urges parents to act in the interest of their children and advocate for their own families. Parents can be more effective in their parenting by using their unique environment to equip young people. Parents need to be UNCAPPED for children to experience liberty in learning.  Be trained to develop your children’s HEART, HEAD and HAND and in this way develop a sure pathway and resilience that is needed in this emerging marketplace. Sacredly able parents and educators protect the vulnerability of the child.  Parents need to celebrate their children and not just tolerate them. Parents should raise thinkers and develop character and GRIT from young. Parents can find alternatives for certification and do In-House training from a young age.



Seminar 1

Sacredly able parents are bringing healing to a Nation

  1. Introduction
  2. How Dynamis started
  3. Dynamis empowers parents
  4. The parent is sacredly able
  5. The purpose of education
  6. Why is protecting of vulnerability so important
  7. Self-working by 14
  8. What is the problem with the education system
  9. Declutter
  10. Finding the element in the child
  11. The function of the brain
  12. Brain preferences
  13. Sensory preferences
  14. Helicopter parenting
  15. 21st century education
  16. Realities in South Africa
  17. Digital landscape
  18. Testimonies of success in home education
  19. The summary of sacredly abled parenting


Seminar 2

Clearing your Vision

  1. Legality in Home Education
  2. Home education How does it work?
  3. Discipline
  4. Home education areas
  5. Change in Education 1994
  6. Home Education in SA
  7. Different approaches
  8. When you make your own curriculum
  9. Unschooling
  10. Assessment
  11. Mother tongue
  12. Preschool education
  13. Matriculation
  14. Socialisation
  15. Sport
  16. Special needs


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