
Martie started with Homeschool, and seminars in Gauteng in 1997

Many years ago, I became a single parent and responded to two years of begging by my 10-year-old daughter to be educated at home.

I was a trained remedial teacher and quite confident about the home educational journey, but I soon found out that not any curriculum was suitable, and I made a thorough study of all curriculums then available. www.christian-unschooling.com, www.homeschooling-curriculum-guide.com

I decided to go for a more informal approach to suit my more random, daughter’s needs. In the end she matriculated through Cambridge, got a degree in Early Childhood Development, got married and is doing Uncapped Education with her seven children.  My daughter (36) calls it Designer Education.

I have been doing the work of Dynamis, now Dynamis Institute, for 22 years,  assisting home educating families. (www.dynamislearning.co.za).

We travelled throughout South Africa, visited the people in need of information about home education and supported home educating families.  My daughter Chamonix helped me in this work as part of her home education and character growth. We built a solid relationship with each other and with the people where we stayed.  When we started with the work, we showed people the various curriculum options, but later explained that the parent is the first and the best curriculum, which forms the ethos of the home.

In 2004 I had a very clear vision that the freedom of home educators will be challenged at some point and since then I have been guiding families to create a safe place of learning in their homes. Also, to celebrate the raw material of the child instead of just tolerating it and for young people to be self-working by the age of 14 -16 years.

In 2013 I realised that all families are not able to do home education and that more children need to be unbound from the expectations of a one-size-fits-all curriculum.  I realised that the vision to bring about freedom in education to the masses (a Nation) would just be too much of a task and I let it go.

However, in 2017 the name Uncapped Education set aflame my passion of many years to set adults and children free from restrictions in learning.

Dynamis changed to the Dynamis Institute with a new drive to duplicate my work and vision and the training of more families to support home educators in South Africa.  A nation is healed as families take up their sacred role.

Dynamis started in 1999
The Beginning

Equip and train

Logo Change in 2018

Changed the logo to fruit bearing, leaves

Dynamis Institute
  • Research
  • Training
  • Development of new material
  • Healing a Nation